Changing Lives » Optimizing Performance

My Philosophy

The sustainability of a company lies not solely in its actions, the products it sells or its organizational structure. It resides in human talent. Each human being has untapped potential and unique strengths that are waiting to be explored, developed and utilized.

It is always the individuals in any organization, where the greatest potential for improvement and possibility of change resides. It is the mind (thinking) where new ideas and information broaden understanding. However, it is the heart (motivation) or soul where transformation occurs.

The first step of personal, team and organizational development is to clearly understand what their strengths are. The next and perhaps most important step is to know how to grow and leverage those strengths to gain greater accountability, commitment, alignment to effect performance.

While transformational change comes from inside the person, stimulus for change must come from outside. Sometimes it is a new circumstance, new job or even crisis. Or it may be a new challenge that arises, a discovery of some sort, or some new piece of information.

Not to be overlooked are those that guide us. These guides come in different forms. Perhaps it’s a coach or mentor, a customer, a parent or a wise and caring friend that stimulate in us new ideas and goals.

Helping others to enter and stay on the path of discovery, personal transformation and eventually mastery is a high social value. It may even be viewed as a calling. I personally believe it is the right way to think and act.

The first step of personal, team and organizational development is to clearly understand what their strengths are. The next and perhaps most important step is to know how to grow and leverage those strengths to gain greater alignment, commitment, and performance.